14.09.2013 14:48:45


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10.09.2013 19:50:27
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11.09.2013 14:17:09
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11.09.2013 17:41:54
And almost half of the Turkish imrnamgits believe the many criminals in Austria show where democracy leads.The fact that most criminals in Austria, like in the rest of Western Europe, are likely to be mahoundians notwithstanding, strictly speaking, their opinion is right. But that is only because Austria's justice system, at least for now, is mostly made up of secular courts (or "voodoo courts", as mahoundians like to call them), not sharia ones. Were Austria to be under sharia, the crimes those mahoundians are convicted of at present would either not be crimes, according to their inbred bedouin savage "legal" code; or, in cases where sharia could even acknowledge their acts against infidels (and jizya-paying ones only, I suppose) as a criminal offense, the non-mahoundian victims' testimony would be inadmissible against black-cube-worshipping defendants in a sharia "court." And, therefore, with way fewer or no mahoundians ever being found guilty of crimes against infidels, despite the fact that their acts of violence would continue to occur at current or higher rates, Austria's present crime rate would take a nosedive statistically speaking.It's just too bad that such simple and basic facts about what our legal systems regard as crimes vs. what mahoundians do are missing from that survey. This could help open a lot of people's eyes to the threats we're facing.
14.09.2013 10:54:16
Overall RatingValueComfortIn-flight EntertainmentFoodCustomer ServiceClean, on time, efficient as you would epxcet from Austrian Airlines. Not really world class, but do you need it on such short flights.
14.09.2013 14:48:45
I was going to give a flippant ronsespe to this and say something about being cosy and intimate-then I saw it was your sister!!It should be big enough- but if it has a single bed then that's a problem. No worse than sleeping in a tent I suppose!Edit: Oh btw in London the charge is "per person" and not the room rate (where it doesn't matter how many people are in a room). In that cae you might as well have a double room. Otherwise you pay twice for a single room with two people in it. (unless you intend to smuggle her in!). http://ahqhggwky.com [url=http://lcdksjwgl.com]lcdksjwgl[/url] [link=http://skiurfdin.com]skiurfdin[/link]